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3 Ways To Get Rid Of Gingivitis

Updated: Aug 5, 2021

Can you see blood around your gums while brushing or eating? Are they swollen and irritated?

This can be a sign of gingivitis, a state of inflamed or tender gums caused by oral bacteria, further leading to painful gum disease and even tooth loss. Don’t allow it to progress into the second stage of gum disease i.e. periodontitis, where the infection travels rapidly. If left untreated, a number of teeth are infected at once and can lead to complete bone loss in the jaws.

When gingivitis worsens and advances into full-blown periodontitis, the symptoms are -

  • Bleeding from the gums while brushing teeth, or even spontaneously

  • Gums that are tender, swollen, and darker than usual

  • Persistent foul breath

  • Formation of plaque, tartar/ calculus (sticky white or yellow film on teeth)

  • Loosening of teeth or recession of gums (exposing tooth roots)

The good news is that gingivitis, caused by improper cleaning of the teeth and gums can be PREVENTED.

Let’s learn three ways to prevent gingivitis -

  • Good oral hygiene - Brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing to clean away the loosened food particles, gargling after every meal, etc. can prevent gingivitis.

  • Dental cleaning - Go for cleaning twice a year, especially if you have risk factors like smoking, chewing tobacco, not drinking adequate water, etc. that increases the chance of having a dry mouth.

  • Opt for a hydrogen peroxide oral rinse - An oral rinse, containing around 15 ml of hydrogen peroxide diluted in a glass of water is an antiseptic that helps treat infection and relieves inflammation if taken under an expert’s supervision.

No matter the symptom, it is advisable to consult a dentist for an evaluation and an appropriate course of treatment. And if the expenditure worries you then you can also opt for plans offered by companies like MyDentalPlan who ease your journey to maintain oral hygiene.

Their subscription plans and packages come at an affordable cost, and they also have been easing access to dental care with online appointments and video consultations with India’s finest dentists.

The sooner you seek care, the better your chances of reversing damage from gingivitis are.

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